Rana saharica
Peter BeerliDistribution
This species occurs in bigger Oases in the Sahara. Its eastern distribution is unknown. The southernmost known locality is Tamanrasset near the Hoggar massif in the center of the Sahara.

The following recordings a short sequences of longer recordings. These files are size reduced (MULAW 8-bit encoded) from 16-bit encoded sound files.
Valid name: Rana (Pelophylax) saharica Boulenger in Hartert 1913
Synonyms: Rana esculenta var. latastei Camerano 1882, Rana esculenta var. saharica Boulenger in Hartert 1913, Rana zavattarii Scortecci 1936, Rana ridibunda riodeoroi Salvador and Peris 1975.
Beerli, P. 1994. Genetic isolation and calibration of an average protein clock in western Palearctic water frogs of the Aegean region. Dissertation Universität Zürich 1994. [Summary]
Buckley, D., B. Arano, P. Herrero, G. Llorente, and M. Esteban. 1994. Morrocan water frogs vs. R. perezi: allozyme studies show up their differences. In: M. Ogielska (Ed.): II International Symposium on Ecology and Genetics of European water frogs, 18-25 September 1994, Wroclaw, Poland. Zoologica Poloniae 39(3-4).
Dubois, A., and A. Ohler. 1994. Frogs of the subgenus Pelophylax (Amphibia, Anura, genus Rana): a catalogue of available and valid scientific names, with comments on the name-bearing types, complete synonymies. proposed common names, and maps showing all type localities. In: M. Ogielska (Ed.): II International Symposium on Ecology and Genetics of European water frogs, 18-25 September 1994, Wroclaw, Poland. Zoologica Poloniae 39(3-4).
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Peter Beerli
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Page copyright © 1995 Peter Beerli
All Rights Reserved.
- Content changed 20 December 1995
Citing this page:
Beerli, Peter. 1995. Rana saharica http://tolweb.org/Rana_saharica/17492/1995.12.20 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. Version 20 December 1995 (under construction).