Extinct pipoid frogs
David Cannatella- Cordicephalus
- Eoxenopoides
- Saltenia
- Shomronella
- Thoraciliacus
As discussed under the account of Pipidae, Ford and Cannatella (1993) defined the node-based name Pipidae to be the most recent common ancestor of living pipids (Xenopus, Silurana, Hymenochirus, Pseudhymenochirus, and Pipa) and all of its descendants. Taxa considered to be fossil "pipids" (†Thoraciliacus, †Cordicephalus, †Saltenia, †Shomronella, and †Eoxenopoides) are assigned only to the level of Pipimorpha. (See Estes, 1977; Estes et al., 1978; Nevo, 1968)
Estes, R. 1977. Relationships of the South African fossil frog Eoxenopoides reuningi (Anura, Pipidae). 73(2):49-80.
Estes, R., Z. V. Spinar, and E. Nevo. 1978. Early Cretaceous pipid tadpoles from Israel (Amphibia: Anura). Herpetologica 34(4):374-393.
Ford, L. S., and D. C. Cannatella. 1993. The major clades of frogs. Herp. Monogr. 7:94-117.
Nevo, E. 1968. Pipid frogs from the early Cretaceous of Israel and pipid evolution. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 136(8):255-318.
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David Cannatella
University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA
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Page: Tree of Life
'Pipids'. Extinct pipoid frogs.
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David Cannatella.
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Cannatella, David. 1995. 'Pipids'. Extinct pipoid frogs. Version 01 January 1995 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/%27Pipids%27/16984/1995.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/