W. Eugene Hall- Philagarica agilis
- Philagarica parva
- Philagarica pilosa
- Philagarica parvicornis
One of three nanoselline genera described by Deane (1930, 1931, 1932) occurring in Australia and adjacent regions, Philagarica is listed as occuring "on the underside of mouldy logs" and "in fungi". The types species, P. agilis, actually belongs in another genus more closely related to Mikado. However, the three remaining species (P. parva, P. pilosa and P. parvicornis) all appear to represent valid genus/ species.
Philagarica can be separated from other nanosellines by its 11-segmented antennae, proportionally 'square' meso/metasternum similar to that of Suterina, narrow mesosternal arch, and acute pygidial spine.
Geographical Distribution
Species of Philagarica have been described from North Australia, Tasmania and Lord Howe Island.
Deane, C. 1930. Trichopterygidae of Australia and Tasmania. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 55: 477-487.
Deane, C. 1931. Trichopterygidae of Australia and adjacent islands. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 56: 237-242.
Deane, C. 1932. Trichopterygidae of Australia and adjacent islands.
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 57: 181-196.
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W. Eugene Hall
University of Arizona
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Hall, W. Eugene. 1997. Philagarica. Version 01 January 1997 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,